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Welcome to the Brock Research Group Website at the University of Bonn. Our research concentrates on data analyses with the ATLAS and ZEUS experiments. Hardware activities include the pixel detector upgrade for ATLAS. Offers for Master and Bachelor theses,. Members of the Brock group.
Proceedings templates provided Mar 15, 2012. Updated accommodation info Mar 08, 2012. Proceedings information added Mar 05, 2012. Instructions for speakers available Feb 10, 2012. First bulletin released Feb 10, 2012. Plenary sessions are foreseen for 26 and 30 March, while parallel sessions of the various working groups will take place from Tuesday to Thursday. Summaries of the working group sessions will be given by the convenors on Friday.
Willkommen auf der Homepage der Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Die nächsten Sprechstunden von Prof. Zur Website geht es hier. Invariante Masse Spektrum mit Gauß Funktion gefittet an die. Wir arbeiten an Experimenten zur Untersuchung der Hadronenstruktur.
Herzlich Willkommen auf der Webseite der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Vermessung des Standardmodells und des Higgs-Boson. Die Detektorentwicklung für verschiedene Experimente. Die Vorbereitung des International Linear Collider.
Welcome to the homepage of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. In the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Of the University of Bonn. The department pursues innovative experimental and theoretical world-class research. Master of Science degree in physics, more. Master of Science degree in astrophysics, more.
Physiker der Universität Bonn informieren am Tag der Weltmaschine über den Large Hadron Collider LHC. Bonner Ansprechpartnerin für das Netzwerk Teilchenwelt. Physik LK des Hardtberg-Gymnasiums gewinnt den 2. Platz beim Schülerwettbewerb zum Tag der Weltmaschine.
Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn.
Welcome to the BGO-OD experiment. The BGO-OD experiment emerged from the B. 1 project of a magnetic spectrometer, originally intended to be used in combination with Crystal Barrel to detect forward going charged particles with high resolution over a large acceptance. Shortly after the previous review of the CRC 16 a major part of the former GRAAL group joined the spectrometer project. University of Messina, Italy.
Open System Control of Atomic and Photonic Matter.
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